Author Guidelines
Manuscript Submission
Business Review welcomes original papers using different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online submission system (Only manuscripts submitted through the online submission system will be considered for the editorial process). Please direct queries relating to the submission process to the journal's editorial office at: Any inquiries or correspondence on the personal email addresses of the Editorial Team will not be entertained.
Submission Checklist
- The language of the journal is English. 12-point type in one of the standard fonts: Times, Helvetica, or Courier is preferred. It is not necessary to double-line space your manuscript. Tables must be on separate pages after the reference list, and not be incorporated into the main text. If the table is created in Excel, the file should be uploaded separately. Figures should be uploaded as separate figure files.
- Upload editable manuscript files. Preferred file formats are .doc, .docx. LaTeX files may be submitted provided that .pdf file is provided in addition to the source files. Figures may be provided in .tiff or .eps format.
- Enter the full title, names and affiliations of all authors. Give the full address, including email, telephone and fax, of the author who is to check the proofs.
- Include the name(s) of any sponsor(s) of the research contained in the paper, along with grant number(s).
- Enter an abstract of up to 250 words. An abstract is a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusions, and is understandable without reference to the rest of the paper. It should contain no citation to other published work.
- Provide a maximum of six key words immediately after the abstract
- Include JEL codes that describe your paper for indexing purposes.
- Case studies should be no more than 8000 words and must include an abstract and keywords.
- List all sources in the reference list alphabetically by name. In text citations should follow the author-date method. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.
- References are styled according to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. A sample of the most common entries in the reference lists appears below. Please note that for journal articles, issue numbers are not included unless each issue in the volume begins with page one.
- Journal Article: Bai, J. S., & Perron, P. (2003). Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18(1), 1–22.
Camacho, M., Perez-Quiros, G., & Poncela, P. (2015). Extracting nonlinear signals from several economic indicators. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30, 246–265.
Book Edition: Garratt, A., Lee, K., & Shields, K. (2015). Economic sentiment, international interdependence and output dynamics in the G7. University of Nottingham, England. - Upload each figure as a separate file in either .tiff or .eps format, with the figure number indicated at the top of the figure. Compound figures e.g. 1a, b, c should be uploaded as one figure. Tints are not acceptable. Lettering must be of a reasonable size that would still be clearly legible upon reduction, and consistent within each figure and set of figures. Where a key to symbols is required, please include this in the artwork itself, not in the figure legend. All illustrations must be provided at the correct resolution: Black-and-white and colour photos at 300 dpi and graphs, drawings, etc. at 800 dpi preferably or at minimum 600 dpi. The illustrations provided in colour will be used in the online version of the article and black and white in the printed version of journal.
- The similarity index of the submitted manuscript should be less than 19 percent. Moreover similarity from any particular source should not exceed 5%.
- The Editor has full authority and reserves the right to reject any manuscript at any stage of the review process.
Reviewing Process and Time Period:
The paper goes to three reviewers (two international and one national) after an initial review by the Editor. The external review process may take 6 to 9 months, depending on the response time of reviewers.
Post Acceptance
Proofs will be sent to the author for checking. Prompt return of the corrected proofs will minimize the risk of the paper being held over to a later issue.
Copyright and Permissions
If the paper is accepted, the corresponding author for the paper will receive an email to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors of the paper.
Permission Grants
If the manuscript contains extracts, including illustrations, from other copyright works (including material from online or intranet sources) it is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission from the owners, of the publishing rights to reproduce such extracts.